财新传媒 财新传媒



“教师在课堂上往往是一本教材、一块黑板 、一支粉笔、一台录音机,每篇课文的讲授内容一般都是领读生词、讲解课文、分析语法、做做练习、对对答案,现在学生都有跟教材配套的教师用书,这种八股式的教学方式,早已使他们失去了‘好奇心 ’,他们往往是不爱问、不想问,也不知道如何问,这样的课堂教学其效果能理想吗?[1]


我认识这样一个同学,她48岁期间在美国读过学前班到小学二年级。回国后在中国学校里读书直到初二,在这期间接受了八股式的英文教育以及八股式的英文考试,成绩虽不错但总不拔尖,还曾经因为写不好八股式英文,被老师指为“文盲”。该同学目前跳一级到了一个中外联办的高中读高一,该学校是美国老师用英文教授绝大多数课程。课程不谓不艰难,但完全脱离了八股文教育。该同学开学不久领到的第一篇“研究论文”是The Exodus(《出埃及记》),研究重点:如果《出埃及记》是虚构的,那么它为什么有那么大的影响力?第二篇文章是续写小说The Crash(《撞车》)——老师给出第一句话,由学生自由发挥续写完成。我手头恰巧有这篇文章在此发给大家以供参考。当然,这篇微型小说还有很大的提升余地——比如有些词前后被反复用了——如果能够用一些同义词来表达则更好。但不管怎样,如果能够用英文写出这样一篇微型小说的中国初中生在八股文教育体制下会被称之为“文盲”,这说明我们真的应当好好地反思一下我们的八股文教育了。

The Crash

Billy careened into Main Street having taken the corner too fast. Tires screeched across the street, raising a scent of burnt rubber. Billy jerked the steering wheel to the right. With a fierce jab, the car bolted rightwards. Traffic around him dodged for safety. Horns blasted, men yelled, children screamed, sirens sped by.

All this noise was blocked out by the walls of Billy’s car. Inside the car hovers an eerie bubble of quietness, filled with the odor of cigarettes and alcohol, and the red hot anger slithering around like serpents waiting to strike.

Billy was fuming with rage of the unfairness he had been treated. He had done nothing wrong. Before his eyes, everything is blurry, enveloped by red. There seemed like a red mist hovering over him, clouding everything else from the world. He could hear a distant pumping, fast and far away, coming from inside his chest. From his skin rose a strange color, damp and dark red, but still yet glistening with beads of sweat that seeped out from his forehead, trickling down into his eyes and mouth. He tasted a scent of blood and salt, flooding his throat and nose with the smell of rust.

He thought of his mother. Oh how much he would want his mother to be here next to him, comforting him, telling him that all was alright and will be fine, the sweet scent of motherhood surrounding him. It was a feeling that seemed so distant now, something that never happened since his mother’s illness.

The sirens seemed closer now. He reached out his right hand, feeling for a bottle of water on the passenger seat. Suddenly he squinted and saw a figure appear out of nowhere on the road before the car. It seemed to be human. Billy jerked on the drivers wheel, with a loud screech, the car jabbed to the left, racing onto the curb and onto the pavement. With a crash, the display window of a store shattered into a million tiny pieces. Billy slammed into the front window of the car. In this split second, he saw the figure turn and smile. It was his mother.

Mother had come after all. She can comfort me, and I can lie in her lap once more.

The police cars screeched to a halt before the accident scene. Billy heard a faint sound in the distance, the red faded inch by inch from his view, replaced by the comforting smell of his mother. He saw his mother, plump and full again, glowing from joy, and not the withered body lying helpless in internal pain in the ward. That’s how his mother should look like, and that’s why he took her life.

He slid into a peaceful darkness of satisfaction. He would now be with his mother again.

The policemen, hovering around the carcass of the car concluded that Billy could not stand the guilt and fear of prison, being under the influence of drugs and alcohol, committed suicide by car.

[1] http://biyelunwen.yjbys.com/fanwen/yingyu/236847.html






244篇文章 1年前更新

